You Much Check it Out!
From her Momma About Brooklyn and her story!!!
She loves being in the "spot light", she loves to help out in the kitchen, she loves music & dancing. Most people call her "sassy". Brooklynn is 9 years old. She was born on Feb. 28th 2005 the first couple of months of her life seemed normal, then when she was about 3 months old we started noticing changes. We were in & out of the Dr's offices, from her pediatrician to an eye Dr at Children's Hospital of LA. Finaly in June of 2005 we were sent by ambulance to Loma Linda University Childrens Hospital. It took weeks before she was diagnosed. On August 5, 2005 the Dr's told us she had AML Acute myeloid leukemia. This day is also my husband & I anniversary. We spent 8 1/2 months at LLUCH. It was the toughest 8 1/2 months. On Jan 21st 2006 we were out of there & she was in remission. We were all happy to have her home, but her big brother was beyond happy it was so hard on our son Brian too. Thank God we had our family & friends to help us & praying for us. Today Brooklynn is 9 years old & in the 4th grade. She is smart, funny, loving, beautiful, and full of life!
So happy Brooklyn fought the fight and won GOOOOOO BROOKLYN!
We still have a few Slots open for 2014 and as always even in December our month off we will take Newborn Clients as we know you can't control when those little bundles will make their appearance! <3
We will be taking December 8th- January 2nd off to enjoy the holidays with our family and catch up on all our fun shoots we have planned!!!
Thank you,
Janae & Christen